

Life isn’t always sunshine….it’s amazing then it gets difficult and then it gets amazing again….you hardly have control over what color it shows….!!!! but I believe that the more difficult your path is…the more you learn to count your blessings….you get grounded and you start seeing beauty in little things….you realize the value of happiness and you realize the value of relationships…!!!

Life for me has been just like that…. people who know me know it well that I don’t have many close friends….that’s because I have a beautiful family….which has always been by my side…!!!! my cousins have been my biggest support system….all these years I have been blessed enough to travel a difficult path…a path which has molded me into the person I am today….!!! and in these years of trial one thing which I have learnt is that….no one can take the place of your family….!!!! I can count upon my parents, my sis, my grandparents, uncles, aunts, my cousins, my bro in laws and my sis in laws anytime…!!!
It’s said that it’s only in your time of crisis that you realize who your well wishers are…..but believe me never let any crisis change your relationships….we all have our struggling days…even an independent woman like me feels blessed when I have a family to depend upon…..!!!!
So, make yourself available to your family, be their shoulder, be the 4am phone call to your cousins…be their savior…..you never know whose life you are changing….may be your own…..!!!!!
Pics Credit: Pinterest